STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Import multiple job datasets into a project

STAAD Foundation Advanced follows predefined format for importing data from spreadsheets.

  1. Select the Import Excel tool. A Windows open dialog opens, with the filter set for Microsoft Office Excel® Files (.XLS file extension).
  2. Navigate to the folder where the copy of Multiple Jobs Excel input.xls was saved.
    Note: If you have not saved a copy of Multiple Jobs Excel input.xls, it will be located in the save folder where STAAD Foundation Advanced was installed. The default directory path is C:\Staad Foundation Advanced\
    CAUTION: It is recommended to save a copy of Multiple Jobs Excel input.xls to a different location on your computer or network so as the original may be re-used as a template.
  3. Click Open. The project data is imported. For each foundation type tab included in the spreadsheet, a new job is created.